Low code no code: Why Tech Development Democratization Good
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Low code no code: Why Tech Development Democratization Good for Businesses?

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Siddhesh Patankar

May 08, 2024·8 mins read

low code no code
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    Opinions on low code and no code tools are rife among tech professionals. Regardless of their coding expertise, these tools provoke a reaction. Despite their apparent simplicity, they possess a surprising degree of complexity. In recent years, discussions on this topic have captivated developers, engineers, data analysts, CEOs, designers, and marketers alike.

    Initially, the concepts of low code and no code may have seemed far-fetched. How could they possibly entail minimal to no coding? In reality, they signify minimal to no visible code.

    This prompts the overarching question: what impact will these tools have on the trajectory of tech development? Based on our experiences with various client projects involving low code and no code solutions, it’s increasingly evident that they represent the future of app development.

    Let’s discuss its background history, its benefits, and how it can help your business and even surpass your expectations.

    Decoding the Evolution of Coding Accessibility

    The journey toward accessible coding through low-code/no-code platforms is far from new. In fact, attempts to demystify programming and render it a more inclusive, nontechnical endeavor trace back to the advent of the COBOL programming language in 1959.

    Subsequent years witnessed the emergence of process modeling tools by various companies, which bridged the gap between users and underlying code via APIs. These systems offered extensive functionalities akin to assembling Lego blocks, with Microsoft’s Oslo platform being rooted in this technological lineage.

    With the rise of mobile technology, the low-code/no-code landscape witnessed a new surge. “Drag and drop” frameworks were developed, facilitating the creation of enterprise apps and streamlining the mobile software development process.

    Some Challenges

    However, past endeavors to democratize programming through technology often faced discontinuation or limited success. Why did they falter?

    At its core, code represents an unequivocal expression of desired outcomes—it interprets instructions literally. The ability to articulate program objectives is integral to a developer’s role. Code functions as a meticulously crafted legal document, leaving no room for ambiguity. Just as interpreting legal language is challenging for non-lawyers, understanding and translating intentions into code demand technical expertise.

    Historically, lacking this technical acumen made application development arduous. In the 1990s, some companies introduced programs capable of generating code based on business user specifications. However, these specifications essentially constituted a distinct programming language, necessitating extensive training and rendering the process impractical—a classic “chicken and egg” dilemma inherent to most low-code and no code tools.

    Emerging Trends

    In recent years, the concept of the “citizen developer“—a business user proficient in coding with low code and no code tools—has gained traction. The allure of this role intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for tech companies grappling with a scarcity of programming skills.

    Citizen developers play a pivotal role in swiftly deploying new functionalities, automating processes, reducing time and costs, and streamlining data integration. Gartner forecasts a robust growth trajectory for the low-code development technology market, projected to reach $26.9 billion by 2023, marking a 19.6% increase.

    Presently, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing programming accessibility, bolstering the citizen development model. Despite significant technological advancements over the past six decades, the essence of software construction remains unchanged. So, is the current landscape truly transformative?

    The verdict: yes and no. While generative AI tools enable users to input prompts in plain language, they don’t entirely circumvent inherent complexities. Clear articulation of needs across iterative processes is essential, demanding requisite training and skill refinement.

    Difference between No-Code and Low-Code

    Consider low-code application platforms as a means for professional developers to expedite solution creation, enabling your IT team to address additional business demands promptly. Conversely, no-code empowers business developers to independently craft apps targeting workflow bottlenecks and enhancing business process efficiency.

    One streamline coding for developers, while the other eliminates the necessity for coding expertise altogether, bridging the gap between solution creation and its original conception. It’s a progressive leap that resonates with numerous businesses worldwide.

    In a 2018 survey examining custom apps and their impact, 91 percent of respondents reported heightened productivity levels, with 51 percent noting an increase of up to 40 percent. Additionally, 76 percent of respondents observed a positive upsurge in ROI.

    When equipped with tools to optimize efficiency sans the prerequisite of coding proficiency, the benefits are unmistakable.

    Why Do Companies Favor No-Code Over Low-Code?

    Indeed, no-code development offers greater simplicity and intuitiveness compared to low-code, yet there’s more to its appeal.

    Cost Efficiency

    Reduced code translates to lower expenses; no code takes this further than low code. While low-code programming may be cost-effective, no-code entirely eliminates coding expenses. Cost savings are maximized by circumventing the need for a coding intermediary who contributes solely to coding expertise.

    Accelerated Development

    Several studies revealed that IT professionals prioritize speed in productivity solutions. With no coding delays, solutions are developed expeditiously, instantaneously enhancing efficiency.

    Reduced Error Incidence

    One hardly needs validation from the GitHub community to acknowledge this: it’s a logical inference that less coding correlates with fewer bugs to rectify.

    While it might seem aspirational, the logical progression toward no-code platforms replacing the low-code model is substantiated by one solid rationale: it follows the path of least resistance.

    Advantages of Low Code No Code App Development

    Here are some benefits that are worth talking about.

    Rapid Development Speed

    One of the primary benefits of low-code/no-code app development is the significant reduction in development time, from months to days. This accelerated pace expedites market entry and facilitates swift integration of user feedback and the incorporation of new features and functionalities.

    Cost Efficiency

    With diminished development time and heightened speed, the resource requirements for low-code/no-code application development are substantially reduced, resulting in markedly lower costs.

    Reduced Bug Incidence

    The minimized codebase translates to fewer occurrences of bugs. Consequently, the streamlined debugging process further amplifies development efficiency.

    Enhanced Business Stakeholder Engagement

    Involving in-house developers in the low-code/no-code database application development process fosters active engagement of stakeholders in deployment procedures.

    Multiple Platform Deployments

    Low-code development platforms empower businesses to concurrently build apps for multiple platforms, a task that traditionally entails significant complexity. The streamlined deployment process afforded by low-code/no-code platforms facilitates seamless expansion across diverse platforms.

    While the benefits of low code and no code mobile application development are myriad, it’s essential to note that this approach is best suited for specific app types, primarily prototypes.

    As one goes deeper into this approach, distinguishing it from white-label development methodologies becomes increasingly challenging. While the methodology appears promising on paper, it is fraught with several practical challenges at the ground level.

    Limitations of Low Code and No Code Development

    So, let’s explore the shortcomings of low-code/no-code app development that prevent it from attaining the title of the future of software development.

    Integration Challenges

    Low-code applications often encounter integration issues when interfacing with legacy systems, posing a significant obstacle to seamless connectivity.

    Limited Customization Options

    Like other do-it-yourself software development platforms, low-code/no-code platforms impose constraints on customization. In an era where competitive advantage reigns supreme, businesses may find themselves constrained by platform limitations, necessitating compromises on planned functionalities.

    Security Concerns

    Working on third-party platforms introduces various security risks, particularly when relinquishing control over application components. With limited access to backend data and processes, businesses face heightened vulnerabilities to security breaches.

    Coding Isn’t Everything

    Application development entails more than just coding. Custom app development agencies engage in tasks such as user journey mapping, design sprints, and comprehensive application testing. While low-code/no-code platforms facilitate application creation, they do not guarantee uniqueness in the market, potentially leading to the saturation of similar apps.

    Applications of Low Code and No Code App Development

    Recent data from a Gartner survey indicates that by 2024, LCNC platforms are projected to be utilized in over 65% of global application developments, with a staggering growth rate of 165% every two years. As businesses embrace LCNC tools, the user base, particularly citizen users, expands rapidly as individuals recognize the benefits of swift and accurate app development across various business domains.

    Here are several applications:

    Supply Chain Innovation

    Supply chain management can leverage Low Code and No Code tools to tackle challenges such as pandemic-related disruptions, trade sanctions, and climate change. Low Code and No Code platforms offer solutions in three key areas:

    • Developing responsive applications for collaboration and end-to-end visibility, enhancing trackability and traceability.
    • Creating automated workflows to streamline supply chain operations, from sourcing raw materials to customer delivery.
    • Digitalizing legacy data and integrating it with incoming data for more robust analytics and insights.
    • Manufacturing can employ Low Code and No Code to model processes, drive smart factory evolution, and optimize robotic process automation (RPA) and IoT networks. Low Code and No Code solutions enhance operational efficiency from raw material processing to finished goods shipment.

    Financial Management

    Accounting and finance teams can customize business applications to streamline workflows and information management. For example, an accounting firm can design a portal to guide clients through tax filing processes, while financial institutions can automate loan approvals and risk assessments.

    HR Efficiency

    Human resources departments can employ Low Code and No Code to personalize job postings, automate hiring processes, and develop training programs, alleviating IT resource strains.

    IT Agility

    IT departments leverage Low Code and No Code platforms to streamline intricate processes, enhancing efficiency and agility. With the emergence of citizen developers, organizations can alleviate IT bottlenecks and reduce workload pressures.

    While IT departments maintain governance over Low Code and No Code initiatives, they are liberated from the tedious and time-consuming task of code writing, fostering a more agile work environment. Rather than viewing Low Code and No Code as a threat, IT professionals are encouraged to perceive it as a space conducive to optimal development and innovation. Moreover, the most robust software solutions embrace pro-code/low-code hybrids, blending IT programming expertise with citizen developer contributions.

    Recent estimates suggest that IT professionals collaborate with business users in over 60% of LCNC development projects.

    Role in RPA Optimization

    As businesses strive to enhance their business process automation (BPA) capabilities, process automation initiatives are experiencing a notable surge. At the heart of BPA lies robotic process automation (RPA), a fundamental component characterized by self-learning software and bots engineered to replicate human actions in executing routine and repetitive business tasks.

    These tasks encompass diverse activities such as data reading and entry, document information extraction, and various rules-based operations.

    How Airtable Solution, a no-code platform, transformed the investment tracking system

    Disrupt Social, a performance marketing agency renowned for its innovative strategies in delivering value for direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands, faced a challenge with a client’s Airtable-based investment tracking system.

    The existing solution, tailored for monitoring investors and individual investments within a forex investment fund, encountered scalability limitations. Seeking a sustainable solution, the client engaged our expertise to revamp the system for long-term efficacy.

    The successful implementation of our Airtable solution markedly transformed the client’s business landscape, eliciting enthusiastic responses from fund managers. By seamlessly optimizing operations within Airtable without migration, we minimized disruptions and preserved familiarity for the fund managers, thereby mitigating the need for extensive retraining.

    Furthermore, our adept retention and integration of existing tables facilitated smooth transitions, instilling confidence in the solution’s capabilities. Additionally, the client’s subsequent request for enhancements to accommodate parallel investment classes within the same Airtable platform underscores the solution’s positive impact on their operations. This exemplifies its adaptability and scalability in meeting the dynamic demands of their evolving business environment.

    Check out the entire case study here

    Conclusion: Low Code No Code

    Low Code and No Code platforms, incorporating advancements such as generative AI, represent the latest evolution of programming-demystifying tools. These platforms present valuable prospects for accelerating application development, enabling non-IT professionals to optimize workflows, and relieving expert programmers of mundane tasks. It ultimately enhances workforce productivity, saves time, and fosters adaptability within your business.

    However, akin to any tool, grasping a thorough understanding of its functionalities is crucial for realizing its full potential. While Low Code and No Code tools offer simplified development interfaces, they rely on APIs, necessitating coding and maintenance by proficient programmers. Consequently, they may not suffice for handling intricate programming tasks or customization requirements.

    We can help you with no code low code solutions. Book a consultation call.

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